HVAC Portfolio
Check out some projects representative of the air conditioning and ductwork we have completed in different markets. We provide the same high level of service and attention to detail regardless of the project size or customer budget. Thank you for considering Commercial Service for your HVAC needs.
We are an independent balancing company serving the lower mainland and all of British Columbia and always hold our motto to the highest standards. It’s a promise to provide the highest quality service and level of customer satisfaction.
So, take a look at our work! This page offers a gallery of the places to which we have offered our commercial services. Interested in more? You can also see some of our recent work on any of our social media platforms.
Kensington Gardens

Lougheed Heights

Mandarin Residences

Park Place

Seylynn Village

The Met

The Rise

The Wave

3 Civic Tower

Binning Tower

Brock Of Commons

Cadence Residence

Nicola Lodge

Capilano Residences

Concord Gardens
